Express & Star

Review: Al Murray at Stafford Gatehouse

First tip; if you're in the front row and Al Murray staggers on stage wielding two full pints, offering you his hand – don't shake it.


Al Murray,

Stafford Gatehouse

First tip; if you're in the front row and Al Murray staggers on stage wielding two full pints, offering you his hand – don't shake it.

Not unless you want beer from Britain's favourite pub landlord all over your head.

Yes, Big Al was on top form from the start, tearing into the crowd with rapid fire, razor-sharp attacks.

What's your name darling? Simone? "Great British name. It's Celtic for 'wanted a boy called Simon'."

To Al, everything is great about Britain (Reigning World War Champions).

Then there's his pub rules; pints for the gennelmen, white wine or fruit-based drink for the ladeez.

Because where would we be if we didn't have rules?


And where would we be if we had too many rules?


Then came religion as the world was put to rights.

"Jesus? British, obviously. And definitely a tradesman too – 'cos he disappeared off the face of the earth for three days with no rational explanation."

A subtle and clever comic, Al left the audience calling for a lock-in after a brilliant two-hour show. Cheers!

By Keith Harrison.