Express & Star

Improvements needed says report on Walsall Manor Hospital

Improvements need to be made at Walsall Manor Hospital after it emerged passers-by were able to see a naked pensioner being given treatment and some elderly patients were not given help to drink.


Improvements need to be made at Walsall Manor Hospital after it emerged passers-by were able to see a naked pensioner being given treatment and some elderly patients were not given help to drink.

An inspection at the Manor also revealed some staff were "over familiar" with those in their care and patients were not given the chance to wash their hands before meals.

Following an inspection the Care Quality Commission said standards are up to scratch but some improvements were needed.

The commission visited the hospital on April 13 to see how well elderly patients were being cared for.

The official report published today reads: "We saw a patient exposed whilst the nurses were giving care. The patient was visible by anyone in the corridor in front of the bay and there was a male talking to someone nearby. The nurse did try to draw the curtains but they did not close properly and the patient remained exposed and was not covered in a sheet or blanket."

Inspectors found there were a number of beds that could not be completely closed off due to missing curtain hooks.

They also viewed staff talking too loudly about a patient's condition, boards displaying medical information on view to all and staff "talking across patients and not to them".

The report continued: "There were occasions when some staff seemed over familiar with patients and did not use their name, but referred to the patient as 'good girl'."

However, inspectors said they had observed overall good practice when it came to patients' privacy and dignity, saying people were treated with respect and their needs were met.

Despite concerns over patients not being helped to drink, the food service was praised, with no one complaining about meals and staff sitting to help feed patients.

Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust now has 28 days to present a list of improvements to the commission.

Richard Kirby, chief executive, said: "The report did suggest that we could make some minor improvements and we are currently developing an action plan to make sure that our services are even stronger in the future."

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