Toy Story Jake gets stuck in the Claaaw machine!
A Toy Story-mad youngster sparked a rescue operation after following in the footsteps of his heroes Woody and Buzz Lightyear and climbing inside a toy-grabbing machine.
A Toy Story-mad youngster sparked a rescue operation after following in the footsteps of his heroes Woody and Buzz Lightyear and climbing inside a toy-grabbing machine.
Intrepid adventurer Jake Blakesley, aged two, somehow squeezed into the amusement machine at Jitterbugs Party World in Great Bridge through a hole no bigger than a shoe box.
But after getting stuck inside, firefighters had to be called to prise off the lid and free him.
The youngster climbed in yesterday after setting his sights on a cuddly tiger toy, which he was allowed to keep as a memento of his adventure.
Only the night before, Jake and identical twin Jack had watched their favourite film Toy Story, in which pintsize cartoons Woody and Buzz escape into a toy-grabbing machine and come face to face with "The Claw".
Mother Charlotte Beards, aged 37, of Hollywell Street in Coseley, said: "We were watching Buzz and Woody the night before and he's seen them take the toys from the claw and copied them.
"He squeezed himself through the hole where you put your hand in to get the toy."
Mrs Beards, said the feat was all the more remarkable as 3'3" tall Jake had to squeeze through a hole barely one foot square. "The hole can't have been more than a size of a shoe box," she added.