Landlord calls time on pub venture
A popular landlord is being forced to call last orders at his pub in South Staffordshire after losing his life savings in the "dream" venture.

A popular landlord is being forced to call last orders at his pub in South Staffordshire after losing his life savings in the "dream" venture.
Jim Gogarty will pull his last pint at the Mount Pleasant in Wombourne on Sunday.
Dwindling customer numbers have dented profits and the 62-year-old, who has run the pub with fiancee Kim since 2002, said "financial difficulties and stress" were behind his decision to quit.
The pub in Ounsdale Road will be passed back to brewery Punch Taverns with 17 part-time staff in limbo until a new landlord is found.
"It is with huge regret I'm going," the father-of-two said today. "I've enjoyed my time here tremendously and we've had some really great nights.
Mr Gogarty left his job as a sales manager with a stationery company to take on the pub.
"I left a job with a good salary and a company car to take the plunge, to come into my own business thinking it was everyone's dream," he said.
"It is a decision I bitterly regret. Over the last couple of years it has become more and more difficult and the last three months have been the final nail in the coffin. There just haven't been enough people coming through the door.
"Nobody goes to the pub to drink any more, they get their beer from the supermarket and drink at home."
Mr Gogarty added he felt for customers who would be sad to see him go.
Customer Neil Gould described Mr Gogarty's departure as "a real blow to the community".
Punch Taverns spokeswoman Alice Bowden said a temporary manager had been appointed to keep the pub open while a permanent replacement was recruited.
Anyone interested is advised to call 0844 848 3279.