700 sign petition against Mease Valley wind farm
?More than 700 people have signed a petition handed into Lichfield District Council against plans to build four 420ft wind turbines.

?More than 700 people have signed a petition handed into Lichfield District Council against plans to build four 420ft wind turbines.
Lichfield planning chairman, councillor Richard Cox, has handed in the petition which says the turbines will harm the heritage and environment around Haunton. German firm Prowind is hoping to build the turbines.
It wants to site them in the heart of the Mease Valley — between Lichfield and Tamworth. People living nearby, opposing the plans, say the company has failed to answer crucial concerns.
Locals also say produced illustrations of the massive structures significantly underestimate the impact on the surrounding area and historic buildings.
Lynette Lewis, from the small community at Dunimere, a few hundred metres from the proposed wind farm, says the last 18 months have been a worrying time.
She said: "It's been difficult for the communities of Clifton Campville, Harlaston and Haunton. But hundreds and hundreds of people have been united in opposition to this wind farm.
"It's not been easy dealing with the company proposing this development.
"Concerns were raised a year ago over the accuracy of illustrations they provided showing what the impact would be on the local area.
"We and many others felt they'd missed the most sensitive aspects but requests for additional illustrations fell on deaf ears.
"The ongoing delays to this planning application are because Prowind are now finally being forced to provide those extra illustrations we asked for long ago."
Matthew Ellis, the area's county councillor, says local communities are clearly united in opposing the plans.
He said: "Whether or not you believe in the viability of on-shore wind energy, these proposed turbines will be some of the largest ever built on mainland UK and will undoubtedly affect the wider Mease and Tame area for miles around."