Express & Star

The Dudley Zoo animals who just love the cold

The snow and ice can cause plenty of problems for many of us.


The snow and ice can cause plenty of problems for many of us.

OK, so it's fun for the children and it can make some of the West Midlands scenery look truly stunning - but it also forces up heating bills, causes chaos on the roads and makes walking on the pavements treacherous.

It's bad for us - so spare a thought for those people who have to look after animals for whom this sort of weather is a real nightmare.

Large numbers of the animals at West Midlands Safari Park and Dudley Zoo would never normally expect to see the sort of winter wonderland that we are currently experiencing.

So it presents all sorts of problems for the keepers who have to make sure that animals like the giraffes are inside to prevent them from falling over.

There are though some creatures for whom this weather is much more akin to their natural habitats.

You won't hear many complains from the likes of the Asiatic lions, the penguins and the red pandas for whom this sort of wintry blast is just the sort of thing they would enjoy while living in the wild.

Video journalist Nicky Butler went along to visit Dudley Zoo to talk to the keepers about the problems that the weather has posed for certain of their charges and to meet some of the animals for whom Arctic-type conditions are no problem at all.

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