Express & Star

Families in tears as school is destroyed

Pupils, parents and teachers were left dumbstruck today after their school was reduced to a charred shell by an arson attack.


Pupils, parents and teachers were left dumbstruck today after their school was reduced to a charred shell by an arson attack.

Crowds of shocked onlookers wept at the sight of Bilston's fire-ravaged Wilkinson Primary School, which has been reduced to rubble.

Bricks and charred pieces of wood were today strewn around the steel frame of the school, which smouldered after last night's devastating attack.

Neighbours and pupils who have been sent home from the school, in Walter Road, Bradley, today spoke of their devastation.

Hairdresser Laura Bolger, aged 19, who lives nearby, said: "I saw the smoke from half-a-mile away at Ladymoor Pool. The school building has gone. I can't believe it. It's destroyed."

Olwyn Hardman, 47, also from Walter Road added: "I have had four children go to that school over 24 years. Now no-one will go there. It's just gone."

Ex-pupil Emily Bradley, 15, added: "It has just burned to the ground. I'm devastated."

Richard Baker, a 35-year-old transport company director whose six-year-old children Rhys and Madison are both pupils of the school, fought back tears as he surveyed the aftermath of the blaze that wrecked 90 per cent of the building, He said: "I'm gutted. This school means so much to the community. It's the heart and soul of the place."

He and wife Shelley were today forced to make emergency plans to care for their children. He said: "I am holding the fort with the kids at the moment while Shelley goes into her office to collect work she can take home with her. This will allow her to care for them for the rest of the day, but I've no idea what we will do in the future. Our home life and that of many other working parents has been thrown into turmoil."

Pupil Jake Brunt, aged eight, from St Martins Terrace, was also close to tears.

Mother Anna, 34, said: "He is very distressed. He loves the school and now realises that all his work has been destroyed."

Watch commander Nigel Walker from Walsall Fire Station who was in charge of the scene today said: "A total of 90 per cent of the building has been completely destroyed by fire.

There is just partial walls and steelwork left standing. The roof and everything else has all come down." But fire crews managed to stop the flames sweeping the nursery building which suffered just smoke and water damage during the inferno which started at 10.45pm last night.

Members of the school's Parent Teachers Association told how the blaze had wrecked recently transformed classrooms, a new library and an extension to the hall.

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