Express & Star

Battle of Britain remembered at RAF Cosford

History was brought to life at RAF Cosford when visitors stepped back in time to mark the 70th anniversary of the Battle of Britain.


History was brought to life at RAF Cosford when visitors stepped back in time to mark the 70th anniversary of the Battle of Britain.

A performance by the RAF band and engine demonstrations were among the activities entertaining visitors while people also got the chance to see how a Second World War emergency operations room operated.

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Battle of Britain aircraft in mini form went on display thanks to the Large Model Association while people got a glimpse of the museum's Wellington Bomber in its conservation centre, which was opened especially for the weekend.

Visitors were also able to view 1940s military vehicles and a team from Wolverhampton's Bantock House demonstrated the art of rag rug making.

Step Back In Time workshops also gave children and adults alike the chance to try out life in a wartime classroom.

Guest of honour was 90-year-old Sqn Ldr Tony Pickering, a Battle of Britain Hurricane Pilot from Rugby.

The hero, one of Churchill's famous 'Few', recalled his time in the skies during the battle.

Mr Pickering, from Rugby, was 19 when he was sent in to battle in 1940.

Two months later he was shot down by a German plane and forced to bale out at 3,000ft when his Hurricane caught fire.

The West Bromwich based Ruffles Re-enactors group was also among those at the event.

Group leader Sue Read said: "We had former Land Army ladies and their relatives come up to us. It brought back a lot of memories. Ten members took part, we had a super day and I am sure the public enjoyed it as well."

Visitor Gary Kirkham, 41, from Netherton, went along with his niece and nephew. He said: "We had a brilliant day, it was great to see the displays."

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