Express & Star

Legal moves over work on Coven Heath traveller site

Travellers who set up an illegal camp on green belt land in South Staffordshire have been served with an injunction to block them from expanding the site - just hours after they launched an official bid to stay put.


Travellers who set up an illegal camp on green belt land in South Staffordshire have been served with an injunction to block them from expanding the site - just hours after they launched an official bid to stay put.

South Staffordshire Council served the injunction last night after it was granted by the High Court in Birmingham yesterday afternoon.

Horrified residents of the Hordern Park mobile home site off Ball Lane, Coven Heath, were woken at 6.30am on Saturday as a convoy of bulldozers and lorries installed the camp in a neighbouring field.

The travellers were served with a temporary stop order yesterday morning, and council staff served the injunction shortly after 6pm last night. It rules that no more caravans can be added to the six already there and that any construction work must stop immediately.

If they breach the injunction they will be held in contempt of court and could ultimately face prison.

Yesterday the travellers also lodged a formal planning application with the district council for around six pitches.