Men claim to be carers in home raid
Three men barged their way into a disabled woman's home in the Black Country and searched her house, telling her they were carers.

Three men barged their way into a disabled woman's home in the Black Country and searched her house, telling her they were carers.
They forced open the front door of the property in Stourbridge.
The woman was in her bedroom at the back of the house at the time.
One man went into the woman's room, telling her he was there to look after her, as the other two rifled through her belongings in the rest of the house.
They broke in between 12.45pm and 12.59pm on Wednesday but were scared off by the woman's husband, who returned home shortly afterwards. They fled empty-handed.
Detective Inspector Nigel Smith said: "I believe that the three men are aware that carers go in and out of this property throughout the day and, therefore, would have been waiting for the carers to leave."
The man who went into the bedroom was white, around 5ft 4ins tall, with short, mousy-coloured hair. He was wearing a white shirt and grey trousers.
The other two were also white and were scruffier, both wearing dark clothing.
DI Smith added: "The elderly victims were obviously shaken and distressed by these intruders in their home. We are keen to catch these men quickly to offer reassurance to the couple and other people in the area.
"If anyone has any information we are keen to speak to them as soon as possible."