Express & Star

Benefits cheat's foul play caught on film

Kevin Freeman claimed it took him 10 minutes to walk just 18 yards with the use of a stick and even kept a mattress on his living room floor which he told visitors he slept on when he could not get upstairs to bed.


Kevin Freeman claimed it took him 10 minutes to walk just 18 yards with the use of a stick and even kept a mattress on his living room floor which he told visitors he slept on when he could not get upstairs to bed.

But anyone watching his silky skills and fearless tackling during a Sunday league soccer match would never have guessed.

The 31-year-old benefits cheat, who had claimed disability allowance and incapacity benefit for nearly 10 years, has narrowly avoided jail after being filmed fully fit on the football field.

Freeman repeatedly told job centre officials he was unable to perform simple tasks since falling from a ladder in 1999.

But the scrounger, of Connaught Road, Bilston, was caught having his regular kick-about with The Great Western pub team in Wolverhampton's East Park after a tip-off.

He admitted two counts of failing to notify the Department of Work and Pensions of a change in circumstance between October 2008 and July 2009 when he appeared at Wolverhampton Magistrates Court yesterday.

During that period he claimed £11,217 of benefits he was not entitled to.

Mrs Catherine McTigue, prosecuting, said Freeman would also play indoor football and train twice a week.

He had registered for the Wolverhampton and District Sunday League team under a false name and address.

She said: "During the filming he was seen stretching jumping and massaging his legs. At one point he sprints to the ball, falls over and gets back up again."

Miss Debbie Cartwright, defending, said his injuries were severe but he had been taking tentative steps back to fitness.

Freeman was given a three-month jail two years and placed on a supervision order for six months. He was ordered to complete 200 hours unpaid work and pay £300 costs.

After the case, Freeman said: "I've said I'm sorry but what's done is done. I just want to get a job now."

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