£2,000 cash boost for gipsy fight fund
Villagers fighting controversial plans for a gipsy site in South Staffordshire have raised £2,000 towards a fighting fund.
Villagers fighting controversial plans for a gipsy site in South Staffordshire have raised £2,000 towards a fighting fund.
Around 250 Wombourne residents packed into a public meeting in protest at the gipsy pitch plans, which have been revived after being thrown out by planning bosses.
Campaigners need to raise £6,000 of their own money to hire a crack legal team and fight the planned development on greenbelt land in Pool House Road, Wombourne.
The development would include two caravans, a communal centre and parking areas.
Plans were thrown out by South Staffordshire Council planning bosses amid residents' outrage in November last year, but those behind the bid have launched an appeal against the decision.
Last night campaigners who flocked to the public meeting at Wombourne Civic Centre, vowed to "keep on fighting tooth and nail".
Wombourne Residents Action Group chairman Lyndon Jones said: "We cannot give up now. We must carry on.
"What we are doing is right and we must continue to try to make sure our views are heard and our opinions are taken note of."
Around £2,000 was raised on the night with significantly more pledged to come in over the next two weeks.
The group need about £6,000 to hire a small team of planning lawyers and consultants which could offer expert advice and representation at a public inquiry.
Newly-elected South Staffordshire MP Gavin Williamson also gave his backing to the campaigners.
He told them: "If this site is waved through it is simply not fair on you.
"The law is there to protect greenbelt land but this development would ride rough shod over that protection. You have my complete and total support to fight this all the way."