Landmark Sandwell College is on the rise
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These exclusive pictures show how the new £77 million Sandwell College is taking shape, as work on the landmark building moves fast.
Lower and upper ground floors are now being slabbed, with concrete columns for the first floor rising above the site hoardings in Spon Lane, against the West Bromwich skyline.
Since building started in November, the site continues to change dramatically. A second bright yellow tower crane has been set up at the Metro end to join the main blue crane overlooking the hotel on the Ringway.
Banners designed by the college's graphics department have also been fixed on to the hoardings surrounding the site, informing the community and visitors to the town what they can expect from the college when it opens.
College vice-principal Scott Upton, said: "Construction is on programme. You can see the concrete columns being constructed, not only between the lower and upper ground floors, but also some of the ones between the upper ground and first floor."
Construction of the last of the four main "cores" was completed at the end of April. These eight-storey cores will house the two main curved staircases and two triple lift shafts. A further staircase is being built using a more traditional method near the junction of Spon Lane and the Ringway.
Fixtures, fittings and equipment consultants have already held meetings with some of the college departments to ensure tutors and students have everything they will need in the college.
To get a bird's eye view of the site go to
The college is due to be completed in autumn 2011.