Express & Star

Extra £1m for Chasewater dam repairs

An additional £1 million for urgent repairs to Chasewater dam could be poured in by Lichfield District Council, raising its budget for remedial work at the tourist spot to £4.5m.


An additional £1 million for urgent repairs to Chasewater dam could be poured in by Lichfield District Council, raising its budget for remedial work at the tourist spot to £4.5m.

A crisis report released by the council in January warned that water was seeping through the main 560-metre eastern dam, which has no waterproofing. The report stated that urgent and extensive repairs were needed, and that dam failure could ultimately wipe out 2,000 people's homes and kill 80 people in a catastrophe causing £105 million damage.

The council is expected to raise its capital budget to cover the necessary repair work, but bosses say the burden of maintaining the dam is still too big for a district council to handle and are continuing to seek external financial support.

They held a meeting with other authorities earlier this year to ask for financial support, on the basis that the tourist site pulls in visitors from across the country.

The issue was also raised in parliament.

A report to the council's cabinet adds: "It is most unusual for a district council to be responsible for the maintenance of a reservoir the size of Chasewater."

Repair works to be undertaken include the construction of filters along the entire length and height of the eastern dam to prevent its erosion, complete replacement of the Pool Road Bridge, and the construction of a new culvert to allow more effective movement of water.

The deadline for tenders is nest Monday, after which the district council will compile a shortlist of bidders.

The council's cabinet is expected to approve a bidder by May 19.