Express & Star

Action to cut blaze threat

Fire breaks are being created at a Staffordshire beauty spot after a warning that Cannock Chase could be ravaged over the next few months.


Fire breaks are being created at a Staffordshire beauty spot after a warning that Cannock Chase could be ravaged over the next few months.

Experts are predicting temperatures of 70F (21C) over the next few days and independent forecasters Positive Weather Solutions say there could be record heat in August.

Farmer Eric Derry is creating a series of fire breaks at Chasewater Country Park following a fire last week at the visitor attraction.

It was one of a number of heathland fires. On Friday, a blaze ravaged a square mile of Cannock Chase.

Mr Derry has made fire breaks by cutting sections out of heather and scrub. These gaps in the undergrowth will help to prevent any fire from spreading, should one start at the country park.

Councillor Neil Roberts, Lichfield District Council's cabinet member for development services, said it was vital to protect Chasewater Country Park.

"It is regrettable that we have to take this precautionary action, but we know that fire is a risk at heathland habitats. Only last week our countryside officers had to call Staffordshire

Fire Service when they noticed a small fire at Chasewater.

"The fire was put out quickly and did not spread far. This just confirms how necessary these fire breaks are."

Stuart Claughton, Cannock area fire commander, said: "As summer time is approaching, the heathland upon Cannock Chase is becoming very dry and coarse.

"This means that fires spread a lot quicker, which has a severe impact on our environment and endangers near by properties and people who are out walking.

"So as the weather warms up we would urge members of the public when visiting Cannock Chase to be extra cautious."

He urged visitors to ensure cigarettes are fully extinguished and not to start camp fires.