Express & Star

Sex fiend is locked away

A pervert who grabbed a 14-year-old girl while she was out playing near her home in Lichfield, has been jailed indefinitely in the interests of public safety.


A pervert who grabbed a 14-year-old girl while she was out playing near her home in Lichfield, has been jailed indefinitely in the interests of public safety.

Convicted sex fiend Stewart Bird, who had already served ten years for raping a girl and indecent assault, was branded a danger to youngsters by Judge John Wait at Stafford Crown Court.

Bird followed the girl and her seven-year-old cousin across a field, took hold of her arm and said "give me a kiss".

Mr Neal Williams, prosecuting, said the girl shrugged the defendant off and ran away with her cousin as soon as she could. But Bird followed the frightened youngsters half way along a field as they fled.

Bird, aged 45, of no fixed address, has been ordered to serve 22 months in jail before being considered for parole.

And Judge Wait warned him: "It is most unlikely you will be released at that time, or for a very substantial period thereafter, and not until the parole board is satisfied you no longer present a risk.

"When you are released you will be on indefinite parole."

Bird was also ordered to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life.

Stafford crown court heard that Bird was sentenced to 11 years jail in 1995 for raping an 11 year old girl and offences of indecent assault. He was released in 2006.

Mr Daniel White, defending, said: "The best mitigation is his guilty plea. These two girls have not had, at any point, to think that a trial might take place."