Express & Star

Thieves target roof of church

Thieves have struck at a landmark Kidderminster church – stealing £3,000 worth of lead from its roof.


Thieves have struck at a landmark Kidderminster church – stealing £3,000 worth of lead from its roof.

West Mercia Police have launched an investigation following the theft over Easter weekend.

Officers say it was stolen from the roof of St Mary and All Saints Church, in Churchfields, sometime between 10pm Saturday and 7.30am on Easter Sunday.

The thieves could have anti-climb paint on their clothes as the roof had been treated with the liquid, police say.PC Niki Deakin, who is part of the investigating team, is asking any witnesses to come forward to help trace the thieves.

"The roof was treated with anti-climb paint and therefore the thieves may have got this on their hands or what they were wearing," she said.

"If you noticed anyone with such oily stains on them or their clothing on Sunday then, again, we would like to hear from you."

PC Deakin added that following a previous theft at the church, its roof lead had been treated with an indelible forensic coding solution used for property marking.

As a result the lead can be identified as stolen if it comes to the attention of police officers, who will be able to trace it back to the church.

Witnesses or anyone with information about the theft should call PC Deakin at Kidderminster Police Station on 0300 333 3000.

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