Express & Star

Eyesore petrol station site cleared

An eyesore former petrol station which has been a blot on one of Wolverhampton's busiest routes for five years is being demolished.


An eyesore former petrol station which has been a blot on one of Wolverhampton's busiest routes for five years is being demolished.

Workers were today demolishing redundant pumps and rundown old buildings on the former petrol station site on Tettenhall Road, near The Rock.

The Newbridge Service Station has blighted the area since it closed its doors in 2005.

Site owners Esso, which ran the site until it closed, then unveiled plans to revive it a year later before withdrawing them.

A second attempt by the petrol giant to reopen the site in 2008 by creating a new retail building, forecourt canopy and pumps, car parking and two cash machines, then failed after being thrown out by planners.

Despite years of campaigns by residents and councillors demanding action at the site, planning bosses claimed the proposed development was of poor design and would be detrimental to neighbours.

Esso put the site up for sale last year after its revival bid was turned down.

But it was taken off the market months later after the company failed to secure a buyer.

A JCB moved on to the site over the weekend and security bosses keeping watch said workers were arriving today to start removing the forecourt canopy roof.

Tettenhall Regis councillor John Davis today welcomed news that the site was being cleared.

"It is a complete eyesore on a main entrance into Wolverhampton," he said.

"If it's left like this any longer, I don't think it would be long before people are setting fire to it and making it dangerous and even more of an eyesore.

"I myself wouldn't mind it being revived back as a petrol station because I don't think the area has enough but I am happy that something is now being done.

"It is certainly a start and something which should make the site look a lot better."