Express & Star

Blazers and bags ban for children at Tesco

Schoolchildren are being banned from wearing blazers and taking bags into a Tesco store in the Black Country.


Schoolchildren are being banned from wearing blazers and taking bags into a Tesco store in the Black Country.

The Tesco Express in Halesowen is ordering pupils to remove their blazers and leave their bags by the front door. The move comes to try and stop shoplifting at the store in Stourbridge Road.

The company says there have been a number of "issues" and complaints from customers and is restricting the number of pupils allowed in the shop.

Dudley Council's cabinet member for education, Councillor Liz Walker, said she was concerned it could brand all schoolchildren as thieves.

"Not all young people are thieves but I think there is a danger this policy could tarnish them with that label.

"To ask pupils to remove blazers and bags is a bit much," Councillor Walker said.

"I would suggest limiting the number allowed in the shop at a time is more acceptable.

"It is not only children. I have seen shifty-looking adults in Tesco in Amblecote and at Oldswinford.

"The policy is discriminatory – perhaps everyone should be removing their jackets and bags."

But Councillor Walker added that if there were concerns over thefts and proof pupils were responsible she could understand why the company had felt the need to introduce the ban.

A Tesco spokeswoman said: "We take our responsibilities seriously.

"We've had a number of issues in this store and complaints from other customers.

"We have discussed this with the local school and have regretfully had to restrict the number of schoolchildren coming into the store."

She said the company had been working closely with a local school, which she would not name, about the problem.

A sign which was said to have been put up in the supermarket outlining the restrictions was not on display today.