Missing dog trio are back
Three chihuahuas stolen from a Walsall woman have been found by police who forced their way into a Sedgley home.

Three chihuahuas stolen from a Walsall woman have been found by police who forced their way into a Sedgley home.
Seven-month-old Lucy, Chloe, also seven months, and Charlie, who is just over a year old, were stolen in the early hours of January 4 from Sarah Lowe's home in New Forest Road, Coalpool.
Since then the 28-year-old has launched her own Facebook campaign to try to locate them – and it has attracted 6,000 members.
Yesterday police found the dogs at an unoccupied address in Sedgley before returning them to Mrs Lowe, who lives with husband Andrew and two-year-old son Harry.
She said: "They are so glad to be at home they have been jumping up and down non-stop. I can sleep again at night now my babies are at home." The dogs were sleeping in a heated garage adjoining the home when they were taken.