Express & Star

We want our stone back say townsfolk

Calls have been made for an important historical monument which disappeared from Sedgley around a decade ago to be returned.


Calls have been made for an important historical monument which disappeared from Sedgley around a decade ago to be returned.

A stone marking the edge of the boundary of the Manor of Sedgley stood in Moden Hill for hundreds of years before it was removed by council workers.

Now grandfather David Humphries has written to Dudley Council to find out if the marker can be brought back to its former home. He contacted the Express & Star after it published a photograph of the stone.

The 72-year-old, of Woodbank Road, Sedgley, said: "It is of huge historical significance and was part of Sedgley for a long time.

"It was used during the beating of the bounds where the community would walk around the boundary of Sedgley and tap the top of each marker stone and say a prayer.

"It is shame that it was taken away and never returned. I would like the council to bring it back as it is an important part of Sedgley's past."

It was not the first time the stone had been removed as in 1980 it was taken away along with rubble by work-men who did not realise its significance when they repaired pavements.

The stone was returned in 1981 and stayed there until the late 1990s, when it disappeared again, according to Mr Humphries, a retired finance manager.

Trevor Genge, of Sedgley Local History Society, said he did not know what had happened to the stone in Moden Hill, but added that it was one of many which used to be dotted around the Sedgley boundary.

"These marker stones are very important, but they have become a bit neglected over time. You can still the remains of some of them around Sedgley."

Mr Genge added: "There are some by the parish church and Sedgley Beacon. Beating the bounds was very important and youngsters would be taught where the parish boundary ended."

Dudley Council spokes-man Chris Howes said: "The issue of the boundary marker in Moden Hill has been raised with us and we are looking into it."