Express & Star

Gun death nightclub shut down

A nightclub in the Black Country where a man died after being shot in front of 50 people has been shut down until further notice following an emergency meeting.


Licensing chiefs in Wolverhampton met yesterday afternoon following the death of 50-year-old Danny "Dannyman" McCalla at Tropical Harmony, in Bilston.

The tragedy early on Saturday followed another shooting at the club last year when owner Derek Chambers, his brother Howard and Trinnett Dunckley, a member of security staff, were wounded.

Police said their efforts to work with the club staff following a previous incident had failed, and the murder at 4.25am was 90 minutes after the club should have been emptied.

Michael Pearce, a licensing officer from Wednesfield police station, said: "A number of shots were fired.

"Previous reviews have not been complied with.

"Police had worked extremely hard to support the premises licence holder, the designated premises superviser and the management team."

He said if the club stayed open there was the chance of extreme violence and disorder. The club's licence was suspended until a full review on December 14.

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