Action call on subway floods
An urgent call today went out for work to prevent severe flooding in one of Kidderminster's main subways after a scheme announced last year failed to materialise.
An urgent call today went out for work to prevent severe flooding in one of Kidderminster's main subways after a scheme announced last year failed to materialise.
Residents, many elderly or disabled, are risking their lives crossing a busy road rather than use the underpass between Coventry Street and Birmingham Road which floods in heavy rain, it is claimed.
Worcestershire County Council last year announced a measures to deal with the problem, including raising the walkways into a platform.
But a year later there is still no sign of work starting and a call for action has now been made. The subway is one of the main routes into the town and used by hundreds of people every week.
Workers at Farlows Estates, on Coventry Street, said it was a serious problem.
Beverley Stamps, from the firm, said: "It has flooded several times this year to my knowledge.
"It makes getting into and out of the town very difficult. You either have to take a long detour or risk crossing the road. It affects us when we are going to the bank.
" If it is a problem with the drains work needs to be carried out."
Councillor Graham Ballinger said: "When the plans were announced last year I think everyone breathed a sigh of relief."
Worcestershire County Council's Cabinet Member for Transport and Safe Environment Councillor Derek Prodger said: "We are developing a scheme to help with flooding of the underpass.
"However this is only one of many flooding locations we are aware of and we have to prioritise those places where property is more likely to be at risk."