Baths campaigner to meet PM
The leader of the campaign to save condemned Coseley Baths will pitch to the Prime Minister this evening as residents continue their battle to save the pool.

Brian Guest is meeting Gordon Brown at a reception in Downing Street from 6pm. The summit has been arranged by Dudley North MP and Government minister Ian Austin who has commended Mr Guest for his "superb" leadership. Mr Guest said he was honoured to be asked but pledged to fight Coseley's corner at the meeting.
"It is a privilege to be asked to meet the Prime Minister and will give me a chance to put Coseley on the map," the 65-year-old, of Elmwood Rise, Sedgley, said.
"It's not even just about the baths, there is the issue of the youth centre which should not have closed before the new one was ready to open.
"And we are just worried about what might be coming next."
Mr Austin said: "Brian organised the campaign to Save Coseley Baths and did a fantastic job.
"The petition the group launched was signed by thousands of local people and the commitment and determination with which he led the campaign was superb."
The pool in Pear Tree Lane closed at the end of August despite the efforts of Mr Guest and hundreds of campaigners.
Dudley Council says the building needs £1 million worth of repairs to make the roof safe and a further £1m to bring the baths up to scratch.
Campaigners are still hopeful of beating the bulldozer, and Mr Guest is exploring the possibility of launching legal action to prevent demolition.
Chairman of the Beacon Hill Tenants and Residents Association Peter Hartshorne and Emma Sealey, from the Dudley Christian Fellowship, have also been invited to Downing Street by Mr Austin.
"I am delighted that I will get to introduce Emma, Peter and Brian to the Prime Minister and give them the opportunity to discuss with him the issues they feel are affecting local people," Mr Austin said.