Express & Star

Crackdown on pub noise

Noisy pubs across Stafford are being targeted in a crackdown by council bosses after a stream of complaints from residents.


Noisy pubs across Stafford are being targeted in a crackdown by council bosses after a stream of complaints from residents.

Enforcement officers have been visiting pubs across the borough to check on noise levels.

A dozen premises have been visited so far after being identified as being potential problem pubs following complaints made to police.

The visits have monitored whether pubs are complying with the conditions of their licence, including noise levels and after-hours drinking.

One pub has had a noise abatement notice served on it and another three have been identified as needing statutory action taken. They have not been named by the council.

Two pubs in Stone and another in Stafford were also not operating in accordance with their licence issued by the authority as they were trading beyond the agreed time.

Complaints about these premises were received from the police. The proprietors of the premises were contacted and it believed they are now trading in line with their licence.

Councillor Stan Highfield, environment and health portfolio holder at Stafford Borough Council, said the concerted campaign to cut down on problem pubs had proved to be a great success.

He said: "I know there had been a number of complaints from residents who had been contacting police with their complaints.

"Police have in turn passed the information over to us and we have taken appropriate action.

"A number of pubs were identified as causing a nuisance and they have now been visited by council officers, who have taken the appropriate action.

"I think this goes to show that we will not tolerate the flouting of any licensing laws.

"People living nearby shouldn't have to put up with noise nuisance."