Express & Star

Apprentice vicar moves into parish

An apprentice vicar has been taken on at a Black Country church as part of plans to fill vacant posts.


An apprentice vicar has been taken on at a Black Country church as part of plans to fill vacant posts.

Tommy Merry will be at Holy Trinity vicarage in West Bromwich with the Rev Neil Robbie while he completes his training.

Mr Robbie has run an apprentice scheme for four years in his previous post as curate of St Luke's Blakenhall in Wolverhampton.

His work is going towards helping churches in the area fill a deficit of clergy. His first two apprentices completed their training last summer. One is now a part-time youth worker in a church in Hinckley, near Leicestershire, and the other works at St Luke's school in Wolverhampton and is set to become a vicar through the Diocese of Lichfield.

Now Tommy, aged 23, will start work at Holy Trinity in Burlington Road, West Bromwich.

The job includes attending the Midlands Ministry Training Course one day a week and spending the rest of the time teaching the Bible in the church and parish, working with the Sunday school and youth group and supervising the church's Kids Club.

The apprentice will also take assemblies and RE lessons at Holy Trinity School.

Tommy, who is from Lincoln and studied catering and hotel management, said: "I get to be very much involved in Sunday school and with leading worship which I'm looking forward to.

"It's such a good opportunity to be able to learn from Neil who is unlike anyone I have ever met."

The Diocese of Lichfield is having difficulty filling a number of posts in the Black Country.

Current vacancies are being advertised at