Express & Star

Drug dealer, 35, jailed for four years

A drug dealer who was found wandering darkened streets in Wolverhampton on Christmas Day with 11 wraps of cocaine in his pockets has been jailed.


A drug dealer who was found wandering darkened streets in Wolverhampton on Christmas Day with 11 wraps of cocaine in his pockets has been jailed.

Ramesh Sharma started selling cocaine because he owed money to other drug dealers in the area, the city's crown court was told.

The 35-year-old, of Lunt Place, Bilston, had been evicted after being found cultivating cannabis. He was jailed for four years and three months yesterday after admitting possessing cocaine with intent to supply.

Peter Bates, prosecuting, told the court: "At the time he was under huge pressure to pay off debts to drugs suppliers because he had an addiction himself.

"On December 25 last year, at 1am, police found him wandering the streets in Lanesfield repeatedly walking up and down the road while on his phone.

"He was very nervous and said he was on his way to see a friend, but could not give them an address. When police searched him, he flung his hands in the air and out fell 11 wraps of cocaine to the street value of £439.

"They also found £317 in cash and two phones. They then went to his house and found another 50 wraps of cocaine, to the value of £992.

"When they interviewed him all he would say was 'I'm no drug dealer' before offering a 'no comment'."

Robert Knowles, defending Sharma, said: "He regrets what was obviously a massive mistake. He is drug-free right now but realises he faces custody."

In January last year Sharma was handed a two-year suspended prison sentence after converting his old flat in Sheldon Close, Bilston, into a cannabis factory.

Eight weeks later, after an investigation by Wolverhampton Homes, he was kicked out and ended up at his current address in Lunt Place.

Judge John Warner told Sharma: "It is not uncommon for drug dealers to get people lower down the food chain to sell some ."

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