Express & Star

Milestone birthday for miracle Lilly-Rose

When Lilly-Rose Wilkes was born she weighed less than a bag of sugar and could fit into the palm of her father's hand.


Katie Element and Kenny Wilkes with their daughter, Lilly-Rose, who is 1 today.When Lilly-Rose Wilkes was born she weighed less than a bag of sugar and could fit into the palm of her father's hand.

She had only one kidney, needed heart surgery and spent the first three months of her life in hospital.

But family and friends were gathering today at her home in Friar Park, Wednesbury, to celebrate her first birthday.

Mother Katie Element, aged 19, of Bassett Road, said: "Before I had Lilly-Rose I lost a son at 23 weeks so when I got pregnant it was a bit of a shock and I was a bit worried about the pregnancy.

"I was seen by a consultant at Sandwell Hospital who followed me every week and at my 20 week scan they found that the water around Lilly-Rose was quite low."

Katie was transferred to Birmingham Women's Hospital where it was discovered Lilly-Rose had only developed one kidney. At 24 weeks Katie went into slow labour, which stopped after a few days. She returned home and just a few days later the labour started again.


"At first I thought it was back ache because I had been advised bed rest," said Katie, who lives with partner Kenny Wilkes, aged 21.

Katie was taken to Sandwell Hospital where after a four-and-a-half hour labour she gave birth to her 1lb 9oz baby - 15 weeks prematurely.

"She wasn't breathing properly, so they had to stabilise her," said Katie.

Lilly-Rose was taken to the neo-natal unit where she was stabilised.

The next day Katie and Lilly-Rose were transferred to the women's hospital which has specialised equipment and three weeks later Lilly-Rose underwent heart surgery when she still only weighed 1lb 5oz. After three months in hospital she was finally allowed home on New Year's Eve.

Katie added: "She is now developing ahead of her age. She is my little miracle, we call her our little angel."

By Lisa Wright