Express & Star

Starlight Walk 2009 - list

A list of the people who joined the Starlight Walk to raise funds for the new Walsall Hospice:


Here is a list of the people who joined the Starlight Walk to raise funds for the new Walsall Hospice:

See also: Walkers light up town park for hospice fund

Mr & Mrs Abel

Mrs Irene Allen

Mr Peter Allen

Mrs Deborah Andrews

Stephen Andrews

Thomas Andrews (10)

Mrs Samantha Aston

Mr Christopher Aston

Miss Lidia Aston (age 9)

Mr Dave Armstrong

Georgia Shea

Maria Shea

Mrs Helen Bagley

Jessica Bagley

Mrs Sally Baugh

Mrs Victoria Baird – (Harden School)

Ian Baird

Amelia Baird

Joseph Baird

Miss Pat Bates

Mrs Janet Vose

Mrs Yvonne Bennett

Mr Colin Bennett

Sophie Bennett (age 13)

Courtney Bennett (age 11)

Mrs Jaime Beetlestone

Valerie Grisole

Harrison Beetlestone (age 4)

Mrs Joanne Bevington – (Co-op Travel direct)

Nick Bevington

Jack Bevington

Alex Bevington

Geoff Hurmson

Sian Hurmson

Claire Kelly

Emma Pile

Sue Reid

Ben Lovett

Elizabeth Davies

Nikki Whitehouse

Jo Price

Claire France

Mrs Debra Billingham

Mrs Patricia Blakemore

Mrs Karen Blackwood

Thomas Blackwood (age 15)

Megan Blackwood (age 10)

Mrs Elaine Bolton – (Walsall Wood Guides & Brownies)

Justine Bolton (age 17)

Libby Sherman (age 7)

Holly Beech (age 8)

Mrs Reichel

Millie Reichel (age7)

Sophie Simpson (age 10)

Mrs Nicola Levesley

Megan Levesley (age 7)

Mrs L Clayton

Olivia Clayton (age 7)

Mr Prestidge

Chloe Prestidge (age 8)

Athena Nicholaou (age 8)

Mrs Judi Metcalfe

Ellie Trubshaw (age 7)

Molly Burgess (age 8)

Jennifer Stanley (age 10)

Mrs Lesley Harvey

Chloe Harvey (age 10)

Mrs Kerrie Smith

Taylor Smith (age 10)

Mrs Maria Owen

Poppy Owen (age7)

Olivia Owen (age 11)

Alison Pearce

Bailey Pearce (10)

Miss Samantha Boyle

Mr Mark Boyle

Mrs Anne Bradshaw

Sally Bradshaw

Anne Bradshaw

Jill Michell

Mrs Sally Broomhall

Emily Broomhall

Mr Burgess

Mr Eric Baker

Mrs Janet Baker

Mrs Elizabeth Baines

Mrs Deborah Paddock

Mr Geoff Barlow

Janet Barlow

Mrs Jackie Beardsmore

Jade Fitzpatrick

Miss Kelly Bevan

Glenys Walker

Alicia Webb

Harry Webb

Mrs Linda Bosworth

June Bowen

Mrs Amanda Husselbee

Miss Chloe Hussselbee

Miss Alidia Bowen

Mrs Brimble

Yvonne Silverston

Miss Amy Byron

Susan Moore

Lauren Byron (age 14)

Lucy Byron (age 12)

Mrs Karen Brewer

Megan Brewer (age 12)

Mrs Callaghan

Freya Callaghan

Mrs Margaret Cattell

Rae Cattell

Janet Carver

Mrs Diane Carpenter

Elaine Greenwell

Delfine Goodwin

Joshua Crew (age 10)

Michael Crew (age 5)

Mr & Mrs Cavill

Mrs Pauline Carter

Elaine Taylor

Molly Taylor (age 8)

Miss Carter

Stephen Tranter

Mr Ian Carter

Louise Carter

Emma Carter (age 17)

Mrs Lorraine Chambers

Emma Chambers (age 14)

Lauren Richardson (age 14)

Mrs Joan Cheadle

Sarah Rowley

Amy Rowley (age 13)

Mr Gary Chilton

Jeanette Chilton

Bethany Chilton (age 14)

Beth Cover (age 14)

Mrs Pauline Chiswell

Mrs Brenda Clarke

Mr Graham Clarke

Mrs Lisa Coates

Mr Kevin Coates

James Coates

Mrs Ann Cook

Mr Frank Cook

Mr Graham Cooper

Mrs Doreen Cooper

Mrs Melanie Cooper

Samuel Cooper (age 5)

Lorraine Gayle

Ellis Gayle (age 8)

Ms Sue Cooper

Mrs Liz Askey

Mr Michaela Crawford – Harden Primary School

Miss Sarah Crisp

Mr Nathan Fox

Mrs Susan Crosby

Mr Alan Crunden

Mrs Debra Cunningham-Sutton

Mr Alan Sutton

Mrs Christine Darby

Mr Arthur Darby

Mr Adrian Davies

Nicola Hughes

Holly Davies

Mrs Diane Davies

Lynne Mills

Ryan Davies (Age 9)

Mrs Susan Davies

Emily White

Kerri Goodwill

Mrs Susan Diment

Mr Ian Diment

Mrs Lesley Dixon

Mr Philip Dixon

Mrs Chris Donlin

Connor Donlin (age 6)

Ceili Donlin

Lloyd Winstanley-Cox

Mrs Nicki Duggan – (Harden Primary School)

Mrs Sandra Edwards

Phil Edwards

Mrs Jean Egginton

Geoffrey Leanard

Sophie Mason (age 11)

Miss Charli Ellis

Richard Whitebrad

Lois Whitbread (age 1)

Mrs Susan Ellis

Mr Mark Ellis

Mr Simon Fisher – Trustee

and family

Mrs Brenda Francis

Mrs Jayne Fullerton

Mr Roy Fullerton

Mrs Amanda Gallie

Julie Corns

Mr Edward Glover

Margaret Glover

Mrs Esther Gladwish

Mr Ben Gladwish

Martha Lloyd (age 9)

Grace Lloyd (age 5)

Miss Caron Gobsill

Helen Gobsill

Ms Jean Gough

Sean Gough

Tracy Gould

Shirley Hodgkins

Flo Smith

Mrs Frances Grainger

Ms Phil Harding

Rhiannon Ellis

Emelia Poole

Emily Williams

Mrs Harewood

Dawn Withers

Maisie Harewood

Harvey Patel

Mrs Sharon Harris

Katie Harris (age 16)

Karen Smith

Nicola Smith

Rebecca Smith

Mrs Claire Harvery

Sheila Harvey

Revd Carol Hathorne

Mark Hathorne

Sarah Hawkes

Anya Hawkes (age 7)

Mrs Brenda Hateley

Julie Quinn

Mrs Marian Harrison

Mr Graham Hammond

Mrs Patricia Hammond

Mrs Debbie Hevican

Mrs Audrey Lunn

Mr Richard Heap

Yvonne Heap

Karen Heap

Mrs Cathryn Hewitt – Midcounties Co-op Travel

James Hewitt

Jennifer Cartwright

Laura Cartwright

Ian Geddes

Barry Williams

Mr Peter Hill

Mrs Margaret Hill

Linda Trehearne

Elizabeth Thomas

Mrs Deborah Hill

Denise Cooper

Miss Wendy Hill

Steven Morris

Mrs Susan Heath

Rosalind Clewes

Mr Geoffrey Hitchcott

Mrs Tessa Templeman

Mrs Madeline Holland

Dan Hodgekiss

Scott Bradburne

Judith Ashley

Mrs Anne Hope

Fred Hope

Roy Hope

Charlie Hope

Mr & Mrs Horne

Holly Star Horne

Stephen Horne

Donna Garfield

Cara Garfield



Mrs Janet Hughes

Mr Fred Hughes

Craig Hughes

Mrs Carole Jevons

Mrs Barbara Jones

Irene Kazimerczak

Mrs Dawn Jones

Mr Jeff Jones

Mr Robert Jones

Mrs Susan Jones

Megan Jones (age 10)

Benjamin Jones (age 7)

Mr Les Jones

Mrs Pat Jones

Molly Johnson (age 8)

Lily Johnson (age 7)

Mrs Jean Jordan

Miss Rose Judeh

(Members of Staff- Chiquito, Walsall)

Mrs Julia Kelly

Abigail Kelly

Mrs Vanessa Kennedy – Harden Primary School

Mr & Mrs King

Irene Lemm

Larry Lemm

Dawn Lemm

Mrs Lester

Mrs Pitt

Mrs Victoria Littleford

Mr Peter Littleford

Mrs Maureen Lockley

Joshua Broughton

Connor Broughton

Mrs Jocelyn Lloyd

David Lloyd

Mr Andrew Lowe

Mrs Jayne Lynex

Emma Handlay

Mr & Mrs Martin

Mrs Joy Mallett

Mr Stephen mallet

Jessica Mallett (age 15)

Peri Maney (age 15)

Mrs Rosemary Manjunath

Elizabeth M Smith

Tara Manjunath (age 15)

Abi MacKay (age 15)

Mrs Francis Markham

David Markham

Beth Hodgetts

James Hodgetts

Mrs Ann Marshall

Roy Marshall

Kyle Marshall (age 16)

Mr Glyn Marston

Liam Marston

Leanne Mason

Skye Evans

Ethan Evans

Mrs Rhea McCabe – Harden Primary School

Mrs McGavin

Mrs Dorothy McCloskey

Mrs Gemma Mebrahtu

Lily Mebrahtu

Saron Mebrahtu

Mrs Beverley Mills

Mr Joseph Mills

Mr Manocher Mohajer-Solaimani

Samaneh Mohajer-Solaimani

Sepideh Mohajer-Solaimani

Mr Daniel Mole – Walsall Football Club

Emma Mole

Miss Denise Moorhouse

Gabriel McNamee

Christopher McNamee

Katherine McNamee

Mrs Shirley Morgan

Adele Morgan

Mr & Mrs Morris

Mrs Kathleen Morrall

Mr Arthur Morrall

Ms Julia Moyse

Gemma Moyse (age 17)

Nicola Moyse (age 14)

Mrs Helen Murrell

Mr Michael Murrell

Nick Murrell (age 10)

Mr & Mrs Myatt

Mrs Shirley Nicholls

Holly Nicholls (age 6)

Hayden Nicholls (age 4)

Kara Purchase

Mrs Jayne O'Connor

Eileen Bryan

Mrs Jenny O'Connor

Megan O'Connor (age 6)

Ruth Harrison

George Harrison (age 8)

Mrs Barbara Jean Owen

Mrs Ann Owen

Mrs Anna Paddock

Mrs Vicky Diponio

Amy Paddock (age 16)

Olivia Diponio (age 10)

Mrs Caroline Page

Mr Scott Page

Mrs Sandra Pagett

Mr David Pagett

Emily Jones (age 9)

Mrs Gemma Park

Mr Richard Park

Toby Daniel Park (age 1)

Miss Sindhu Patil

Mrs Sandra Painter

Mrs P Newan

Mrs Dorma Peace

Matisse Roe

Megan Roe

Mrs Elaine Peach

Lisa Sheldrick

Kate Sheldrick

Georgia Sheldrick

Mrs Elizabeth Perkins – Harden Primary School

Miss Kerri Picken

Sheena Picken

Mrs Gerion Piper

Amy Piper

Mr Kier Pedley

Miss Jane Preece

Carole Wildman

Mrs Maxine Plant

Joanne Dunn

Zak Plant (age 3)

Amy Plant (age1 ½)

Rev Dr Ian Poole

Mary Poole

Nathanael Poole

Hannah Poole

Aaron Poole

Mrs Kim Price

Mr Phil Price

Holly Price (age 7)

Mrs Sue Price

Mr David Price

Mrs Julie Rafiq – Delvz Youth Group

Ms Anne Marie Etchells

Nicholas Reid (age 17, autistic)

Sabrina Rafiq (age 12)

Charie Etchells (age 12)

Josh Etchells (age 15)

Josh Evans (age16)

Luke Hayes (age 15)

Kieron Millership (age 15)

Mark Webster (age 15)

Mr Randal

Miss Morgan

Robert Morgan

Marshall Morgan-Randell

Mr Tom Reynolds – Harden Primary School

Miss Chantelle Robinson – Walsall F.C.

Mrs Debbie Robinson

Mr John Robinson

Grace Robinson (age 11)

Lucy Robinson (age 5)

Mr & Mrs Rochelle

Mrs Jennifer Roden

Mrs Jackie Tonks

Mrs Ann -Marie Rollason

Mr Mark Rollason

Emma Rollason (age 16)

Matthew Rollason (age 13)

Mrs Kathryn Rees

Mr Kenneth Rees

Mrs Joan Reynolds

Claire Pritchard

Lily & Sienna Pritchard

Miss Tammy Ryan

Richard Lindsay

Mrs Karen Sands

Mrs Wendy Sargeant

Karen Waple

Mrs Tina Saunders

Mr John Saunders

Adam Saunders (age 15)

David Saunders (age 11

Mr Nigel Schooler

Mrs Michelle Scola-Poole

Alan Poole

Nathaniel Scola-Poole (age 2)

Mr Keith Shaw

Diane Shaw

Mrs Noreen Shaw

Mr John Brian Shaw

Miss Sherman

Matalie McGee

Helen Shenston

James Broadhurst

Josha Shenston

Mrs Karen Shillam

Rebecca Harris

Jacob Finley Harris

Mrs Lynne Shirley

Sharon Erbans

Josh Erbans (age 12 mths)

Miss Julie Smith

Christine Smith

Mrs Jennifer Surch

Mr Trevor Surch

Mr Stephen Surch

Rachel Surch

Mrs Joy Steventon

Mrs Joy Judd

Mrs Wendy Stoddard

Mrs Denise Humphries

Faith Stoddard (age 15)

Sabrina Higgins (age 16)

Miss Heather Stuart

Matthew Dennison

Mrs Josie Szpalek

Mrs Christine Rickwood

Mrs Diane Howe

Mr Cyril Shaw

Mrs Dorothy Shaw

Mr & Mrs Smith

Miss Julie Talbot

Mrs Carol Taylor

Angie Ashmore

Mrs Kate Taylor

Alison Rudge

Mrs Bridget Tait

Mr Ian Tait

Amy Blareman (age 17)

Oliver Blareman (age 14)

Miss Natasha Teles

Adrian Shelley

Mr John Neil Terry

Ann Marie Terry

Mrs Nina Thomas

Mr William Till

Mrs Patricia Till

Miss Julie Tibbetts

Jaleese Lewis

Conor Lewis

Mrs Christine Timmins


Mr Noel Tomkins

Mrs Mary Tomkins

Anna Tomkins (age 17)

Mrs Suzanne Tudor

Mr Paul Tudor

Miss Sarah Twining

Ellen Taylor

Mrs Tracey Wallis

Peter Wallis

George Wallis (age 4)

Henry Wallis (age 1)

Miss Walker

Mrs Maclaine Walker

Chloe Walker

Jamelia Walker

Mrs Claire Ward

Richard Ward (age 17)

Andrew Ward (age 16)

Steve Pearce

Mrs Claire Watkins

Mark Watkins

Emma Watkins

Jack Watkins

Mrs Esther Whitehouse

Mrs Ann Davis

Mrs Tracey Whitehouse – J.J.'s Café


Kennedy Dobson

Mrs Kelly Wilton

Mrs Wendy Witheford-Gill

Mr Alan Gill

Mrs Claire Willis

Ian Willis

Jake Willis (age 10)

Emily Willis (age 2)

Mr Keith Wibberley

Mrs Ann Wibberley

Alice Wibberley (age 15)

Grace Wibberley (age 12)

Mrs Julie Willey

Miss Christien Ridley

Mr Paul Wilde

Vivien Sandra Wilde

Mrs Amanda Wilkes

Mr Stuart Wilkes

Millie Wilkes (age 5)

Libbie Wilkes (age 3)

Mr Andrew Williams

Mandy Darby

Mrs Alison Wilson

Katie Wilson

Sophie Wilson (age 15)

Miss Wollaston

Anna Wollaston

Mr David Wood

Garry Perry

Mrs June Westwood

Natasha Element

Kyle Westwood

Mrs Margaret Wood

Susan Dufty

Miss Kim Woolley

Alexander Woolley

Group Attendees

Walsall Guides & Brownies

Staff from Harden Primary School

Staff from Sainsbury's Reedswood

Staff from Walsall F.C.

Walsall Cornonets

Staff from Midcounties Co-op

Staff from Ikea

Willenhall Town F.C,

Delvez Youth Club