Express & Star

Teenage claw hammer thug jailed

A teenage thug who smashed a stranger in the head with a claw hammer in a Black Country street for no reason has been locked up for six years.


Michael Pennings struck after passer-by Richard Reynolds mistakenly thought he knew the 19-year-old in Barlow Road, Wednesbury.

Prosecutor Mr Julian Elcock told Wolverhampton Crown Court yesterday: "The defendant asked: 'Who are you staring at?'

"When Mr Reynolds replied 'Sorry, I thought I recognised you,' Pennings returned to a car he had just left and took out a bag from which he removed a claw hammer and struck the man on the side of the head.

"Blood began pouring from Mr Reynolds, while Pennings ran back to the car where he was a passenger and was driven away quickly."

The victim had a gaping near 10cm - 4.5in - long wound that needed stitching and told police six weeks after the April 19 attack: "I have suffered greatly and changed the way that I look at life, as a result of this disgusting incident that happened for no reason.

"I suffer from migraines, do not sleep well and have nightmares over the attack. I still cannot understand why this happened to me."

Eye witnesses recognised Pennings as the culprit. He had beaten up a 16-year-old youth in the toilet of The Lamp pub in Upper High Street, a month earlier.

He also had previous convictions, during which he had been armed with a baseball bat and a machete.

Pennings had only recently been released from a 12-month sentence in a young offenders institution when he beat up the 16-year-old.

Mr John Evans, defending, said: "He has a drink problem and was like a timebomb waiting to explode."

Pennings, from Myvod Road, Wednesbury, admitted assaulting the youth, wounding Mr Reynolds with intent and possession of an offensive weapon and was sent to a young offenders institution for six years.

Judge Hilary Watson told him: "You know your problem is rage and anger fuelled by alcohol."

The defendant will be put on an extended four-year licence when freed, ensuring his behaviour is monitored.

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