Power cut hits houses
Scores of Black Country homes were left without power for up to four hours.
Scores of Black Country homes were left without power for up to four hours.
The supply was cut between about 8.30pm and midnight and affected streets including High Street and Parkes Hall Road in Sedgley.
It is unclear whether the failure was the result of gas mains repairs being carried out in Bilston Street.
Emergency work to fix a cable was ongoing this morning.
Firefighters from Dudley fire station were called to around seven reports of alarms ringing.
An area of up to three square miles was affected, according to watch commander Russell Gordon.
He said: "We had a number of calls to reports of alarms ringing.
The fire chief added: "Our truck went on four shouts and the other truck had about three.
"It was mainly smoke alarms bleeping because of the cut in the power supply."
The gas mains repairs are due to be completed on September 14.