Express & Star

Report calls for fire base repairs

Costly repairs are needed to ensure Kidderminster's Fire Station remains safe and secure, a report has claimed today.


Costly repairs are needed to ensure Kidderminster's Fire Station remains safe and secure, a report has claimed today.

Among urgent work needed to the building in Castle Road is work on the flat roof to prevent leaks and replacement of old timber windows.

Copper piping throughout the building also needs replacing, according to a report drawn up by officers.

They say estimated costings show improvements and repairs needed could total £153,000 and these should be done soon to stop further deterioration.

Now a detailed report on the cost of repairs is to be discussed by the Budget Committee of Hereford and Worcester Fire and Rescue Authority on July 30.

However, even if permission is given for the work on the station, which was erected in 1929, it might not be completed until later this year or early next year.

Hereford and Worcester Fire and Rescue Service spokesman Mr Alec Mackie said some of the timber windows represent a "health and safety risk".

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