Express & Star

Porn charge wife's 'hearing problem'

A teaching assistant from Brownhills seen on video allegedly calling up to her husband to let him know two girls were getting into a bath so he could film them claimed in court to have hearing difficulties.

Rosemary Foxall

A teaching assistant from Brownhills seen on video allegedly calling up to her husband to let him know two girls were getting into a bath so he could film them claimed in court to have hearing difficulties.

Rosemary Foxall, pictured, said she has a condition where she is unable to clearly hear in which direction a sound is coming from.

She made the claim after being cross-examined by prosecutor Phillip Bradley over evidence that she called up to her husband to let him know two girls were about to go in the bath following a swimming pool party at their Sadler Road home.

But the claim was labelled "nonsense" by Mr Bradley who accused Foxall of working in a team with her husband to secretly film the girls.

Foxall, aged 49, denies 10 counts of making indecent videos and photographs of children.

She also denies possessing 147 indecent photographs and videos of young girls. The images are alleged to have been made of the children who were invited to the Foxall's house for swimming pool parties. Her husband committed suicide days after being questioned by police last summer.

Mr Bradley was referring to a video which was discovered by police showing Mr Foxall in the loft above a bathroom.

Two girls are seen getting into the bath when his wife exclaims: "they want to go in together."

Mr Foxall is then heard saying "go on then."

Mr Bradley said: "You knew your husband was in the loft didn't you and you called up to him to let him know."

Foxall replied: "No sir."

She then went on to explain that she has a condition in which she cannot decipher where a noise is originating from and said she thought his voice was coming from another bedroom and not above her in the loft.

She maintains that she called out to him to make him aware they were getting in the bath so he would go downstairs and out of the way.

She said: "I have had a problem for some time that when someone is above me or speaking to me in a certain direction I am not able to decipher where the sound is coming from."

Mr Bradley told her: "You haven't had this checked out by a doctor have you? This is just nonsense."

He added: "You and your husband worked together as a team to film these girls didn't you?"

"No sir," she replied.

The court has been told firefighters were called to the couple's home in July last year following a blaze and stumbled upon camcorder equipment in the loft and the couple's bedroom along with a stash of pornographic DVD's and photographs both of an adult nature but also images of children.

The trial continues, but was not sitting today.