It's just quackers
Six fluffy chicks have taken to their new home at a Black Country college like ducks to water.

But their mother's choice of a perfect place to bring up her brood is more than a touch offbeat – as there is not a river or lake in sight.
The feathered family is turning heads as the proud parent leads her babies on happy waddles around the Stourbridge College site. And she is supervising swimming lessons in a baby bath supplied by college workers.
Staff had been looking after the duck which nested at the college in Hagley Road and when her eggs hatched at the weekend, six ducklings poked their fluffy heads out of their shells.
College spokeswoman Mags Winthrop said the family would remain at the college until the youngsters were ready to fly in around two months.
She said: "The RSPB has advised that as soon as the ducklings learn to fly, which should be in about seven weeks, the ducks will relocate to more suitable surroundings."
The RSPB say the ducklings should be safe in their temporary home.
Ducks can live – although not happily – without access to a place to swim. But they do need to be able to get into some sort of pool or pond to clean and cool off.