Row blows up over pub bouncy castle
A pub at the centre of a row over a giant children's slide has sparked fresh controversy after the landlord set up a bouncy castle.
A pub at the centre of a row over a giant children's slide has sparked fresh controversy after the landlord set up a bouncy castle.
Neighbours say it is like living next to "a theme park". And they claim the bouncy castle at The Summer House, in Gospel End Road, Sedgley, is to get round a 8.30pm closure curfew.
Some resident say they have now had enough and are even looking at putting their homes on the market.
Landlord John Coombes has been embroiled in a long-running row with neighbours over the slide, which has now been given planning permission.
Mr Coombes today said he had asked for advice from both the planning and environmental health departments at South Staffordshire Council before buying the bouncy castle.
He said he had been assured there would be "no problem" with setting up the attraction, which cost £750.
The pub also has a Christmas lights display which has also attracted complaints for being 'over the top.'
Residents said they felt setting up the bouncy castle was a step too far.
Neighbour Josie Homer, aged 38, said people had been stunned when they saw the bouncy castle go up.
"When I first moved here six years ago it was a quiet place but now it is like living next to a theme park."
"Basically the slide has to be closed by 8.30pm and this is a way of getting around that."