Express & Star

Failure for president

Letter: It seems our former premier, Tony Blair, is a contender for president of the EU.


Letter: It seems our former premier, Tony Blair, is a contender for president of the EU. After being elected on the promise of "Cool Britannia" and "education, education, education" etc, Blair made a laughing stock of a once proud nation.

He has failed on mass immigration, putting great strains on the infrastructure of social services, health and education. Even his own government now acknowledges this.

He failed on law and order, where our judicial system, once the cornerstone of the mother of all democracies, became a standing joke, as did education, where one school leaver in five will not be able to read this letter.

He got our country into a war that cost billions in cash and thousands in lives, on the pretext of "weapons of mass destruction" that did not exist, and he may yet be called to answer for this. Some years ago he even gave back our EU rebate, another con if ever there was one, costing £40 million a week, or £14.5 billion a year

After realising where it was all going, the Teflon One handed over to the unelected and hapless Gordon Brown, under whose tenure the chickens really did come home to roost, with a national debt of between one and two trillion pounds, or between £17,000 and £34,000 each. Blair for president? No way!

R W White,

Tompstone Road,

West Bromwich.