Bravery of Bethany
A brave girl who defied the medical odds after being born with a back-to-front body has become one of the youngest recipients of the Express & Star's Local Heroes Award.

Bethany Jordan, aged six, of Wollaston, Stourbridge, was born with five spleens, a back-to-front liver, two left lungs and a stomach on the wrong side. Given a slim chance of survival, the youngster nicknamed the Jigsaw Girl has battled through operations on her liver and lungs, and to treat a hole in her heart.
She now attends school and plays with her friends in the park although her condition, a rare genetic disorder called Ivemark Syndrome, means she tires quickly.
Bethany's mother Lisa said the family were overwhelmed at Bethany receiving the Local Heroes Award. The youngster has received a certificate and will attend a celebrity award ceremony at Molineux in December, when she will receive her main award.
The event is sponsored by Wolverhampton Wanderers and Birmingham Midshires.
Mrs Jordan said: "I'm a bit gobsmacked by her getting the award. She certainly deserves it and I'm quite overwhelmed and know Bethany is too."
They celebrated with a trip to Dudley Zoo, where the youngster was presented with her certificate.
Bethany, of High Park Avenue, who has been dubbed the Jigsaw Girl because of the way her internal organs are placed, looks like a healthy little girl from the outside.
She has been treated over the years by doctors at Birmingham Children's Hospital who have praised her determination. But she faces more treatment in the future, including a liver transplant.
The youngster was given the middle name Millie-Anne because the family believe she is one in a million. Mr and Mrs Jordan also have three sons – Drew, aged 19, Joshua, 17, and 13-year-old Reece."Bethany was so excited to receive the award. She is still talking about it now and is really pleased.
"For us it came as a very pleasant bolt out of the blue and is really nice for her to be recognised in this way after everything she has been through.
"She is a very brave little girl and we love her dearly. We are very proud of her and all she has achieved."