Distinguished major dies, aged 87
A distinguished Army officer who administered a Black Country Territorial Army unit has died after a long illness, aged 87.

Major Ron Page MBE served in the British Army for a remarkable 48 years, from 1937 until his retirement from 67 (Queen's Own Warwickshire & Worcestershire Yeomanry) Signal Squadron, in 1985.
During his long career chiefly with the Royal Artillery Maj Page served with some of the most famous units, equipped with everything from 2lb anti-tank guns ("useless little popguns," as he remembered them) to nuclear warheads.
A fellow officer, Major Richard Hall, said today : "Ron was extremely well liked and highly respected. He was also a mentor for all of us who served in 67 Squadron. He was always ready to help and give friendly advice. He will always be someone I am proud to have known."
Major Andy Berncastle, a former commander of the Stourbridge unit based in Swinford Road, said: "Ron Page was a true gentleman and a very effective Permanent Staff Administration Officer. He was greatly respected by all ranks."
Ronald Sidney Page was born in 1922 in Ipswich. He joined the Royal Artillery as a 15-year-old boy trumpeter and by 1942 was manning air-defence guns in Algeria and Tunisia.
He served with the legendary Eighth Army in the North Africa campaign, later taking part in the Anzio landings, the Battle of Monte Cassino and the advance on Rome with the 4th Indian Division in support of the US 5th Army. By the end of the war in 1945 he was in northern Greece where he married his first wife Lila.
Ron Page served after the war in Kenya, East Africa and the Suez Canal Zone in Egypt. In 1957 he became Regimental Sergeant-Major with the British Army's oldest regiment, the Honourable Artillery Company in London.
His wife died tragically in 1959. After a spell in Germany with the First Regiment Royal Horse Artillery, Ron Page returned to Britain where he met and married Peggyanne Tyler, a BBC classical singer. He went on to serve as a commissioned officer in Malta and Cyprus. His passion for cricket and football led him into the Army broadcasting service where he interviewed the then England football manager, Sir Alf Ramsey. In 1973 he became families officer with 29 Commando Regiment Royal Artillery in Plymouth. He was awarded the MBE for his services to the armed forces.
In 1977 Major Page became the officer in charge of administration at 67 Signal Squadron based in Stourbridge and Stratford. He retired in 1985 but became an active member of the Roman Catholic Catenian Association and SSAFA, the Soldiers Sailors Airmen and Families Association. His second wife Peggyanne died in 1998.
Major Page who retired to Kenilworth, Warwickshire, died in Warwick Hospital in the early hours of May 21. He leaves two daughters, Kathleen and Annemarie, and two grandchildren.
"He was a wonderful officer, an inspiration and a Gunner through and through," Express & Star columnist Peter Rhodes, a former TA officer with 67 Signal Squadron, said today. "He had a remarkable career, serving in some of the most momentous battles of the Second World War and in Germany during the Cold War.
"Ron always said that the two best decisions in his career were serving with the Honourable Artillery Company and with 67 Signal Squadron. The squadron meant a lot to him and he meant a great deal to us."