Jo crowned top poet by the Queen
A poetic pensioner has received the Royal seal of approval for one of her works penned to celebrate the Queen's 83rd birthday – by no less than the Monarch herself.

Olga Wilson, aged 95, of Prestwood Nursing Home, in Stourton, near Stourbridge, has received a letter from Buckingham Palace thanking her for the poem.
Mrs Wilson, better known as Jo, wrote the work called Birthday Wishes to the Queen in just 10 minutes and staff sent it off to the palace in time for the celebrations. And soon after, the letter arrived at the nursing home signed by a Lady in Waiting for Her Majesty saying the Queen had been "deeply touched" by the poem.
Staff have put the letter up at the nursing home for all the other residents and visitors to see.
Mrs Wilson, who only rediscovered her love of poetry a few years ago, has also had her first volume of poetry published.
Staff from the nursing home have arranged for 100 copies of the volume to be printed. Many have already been snapped up by residents, staff and their families.
Included in the new book is one of the first poems written by Mrs Wilson – an ode to her favourite newspaper the Express & Star.
The volume costs £3 and all of the cash raised will go into the home's social fund. The grandmother-of-one moved into Prestwood Nursing Home two years ago after falling ill with superbug C.diff.
Prestwood spokeswoman Lin Hingley said: "Jo was very proud to receive a letter from Buckingham Palace. She was also very pleased Her Majesty liked the poem. It came to her very quickly and we thought it would be wonderful to send it in to the Palace."