Images of zoo in wartime era
Britain was on the brink of Second World War, but these polar bears were to escape the turmoil brewing far from Dudley Zoo.
The sepia photographs, thought to date back to the summer of 1939, were sent into the zoo by email offering a fascinating insight into life at the site at a key point in history.
David Kendrick, collections officer and keeper of archaeology at Worcestershire County Museum, Hartlebury Castle, sent in the picture of the polar bears and also one of bison kept at the zoo. The photographs were taken by his late mother, Renée Kendrick, in 1939.
Mr Kendrick said: "The light and foliage give the impression of summertime, so these must have been taken just before, or around, the outbreak of World War II in September of that year and I wonder if the animals were put down?"
"Despite rationing, there was not a shortage of food for the animals as the zoo banks were allowed to go to seed and cut with scythes to provide feed for livestock.
"Vegetables were grown in allotments near the zoo car park and local families donated homegrown produce to the zoo. In April 1941, the Daily Sketch newspaper reported that Dudley Zoo was the only place in the country without rationing."
Ms Hitchman added: "We would like to say a huge thank you to Mr Kendrick as these photographs are very precious and will be added to our archives."
In 1998 Dudley Zoological Gardens' pair of polar bears, Pipiluk and Mosha, which had been at the site for four years, were sent to a new home in Poland.