Express & Star

Pupil's life saved by lollipop lady

When she started her morning shift, the last thing lollipop lady Val Davies expected was to be saving the life of a schoolboy.


But that was exactly what the quick-thinking 54-year-old did when she saw a large lorry speeding towards five-year-old Travis Willoughby.

The drama unfolded on the dual carriageway outside St Anthony's Catholic Primary School in Stafford Road, Fordhouses.

The grandmother-of-one said today: "It doesn't bear thinking about what could have happened. The traffic stopped in one of the lanes and I was stood in the middle of the road. Suddenly this lorry appeared coming towards me at full pelt and showed no signs of stopping."

Mrs Davies grabbed Travis who was starting to cross and pulled him to safety.

Mrs Davies has since been praised at a school assembly and received a headteacher's commendation for her bravery that day, May 1.

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