Express & Star

Move to rekindle Bonfire Night display

Families and firms in Bilston were today urged to rally together to rekindle the town's seemingly doomed annual Hickman Park fireworks display.


Families and firms in Bilston were today urged to rally together to rekindle the town's seemingly doomed annual Hickman Park fireworks display.

Sparks flew during a failed attempt at last week's full meeting of Wolverhampton City Council to stop the axing of one of biggest events in the Bilston calendar that regularly attracts thousands of people.

Liberal Democrat Spring Vale councillor Malcolm Gwinnett was involved in organising the 15-year-old event before responsibility was passed to the local authority three years ago. He said today: "The objections currently being raised against the event are either easily resolved or nonsense. I think there is a good chance of it going ahead if people in the area are prepared to help.

"That would mean businesses donating equipment like fencing. There would still be bills to pay but I am confident that these would be covered if the entrance was kept to a reasonable price like £2.

"It can happen but only if the local community come forward with suggestions about how they can make it happen."

There were warnings at last week's meeting that the controversial decision was a slap in the face for the area that would increase Bonfire Night casualty figures.

Councillor Matthew Holdcroft, cabinet member for leisure, insisted that Hickman Park was not longer a suitable venue for the fireworks show.

He claimed that substantial damage had been caused by the event last year, and that people had been endangered by spent fireworks and bonfire sparks falling out of the sky on the crowd and surrounding homes.

Opposition councillors dismissed these suggestions along with other fears of mineshafts under the park as "bunkum." There has been widespread criticism of the council's current plan to concentrate Bonfire Night resources on an official display at West Park.

Ettingshall Labour councillor Andrew Johnson said: "It is utterly deplorable to rob the people of Bilston in this way and then look for an excuse to justify it."

Anybody prepared to help is asked to contact 07957 774975.

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