Express & Star

Letter: Controlled by council

Channel 4's excellent Dispatches programme reported on Labour's ongoing ability to waste billions of pounds.


Channel 4's excellent Dispatches programme reported on Labour's ongoing ability to waste billions of pounds.

Not surprisingly, The Public featured prominently and officially became what we all knew anyway, a total waste of money.

Just as interesting was the head of Sandwell Leisure Trust saying "we are not going take it over, but would manage it in partnership with the council". As if there was no link.

This is merely a technical arrangement and, as far as I am concerned, the employees of SLT are paid by the taxpayer and enjoy the same pay, pension, perks and privileges of council employees, with the council running the show.

As is the case with Sandwell Homes, it is a limited company and supposed to be independent but, in reality, its relationship with the council and the status of its employees are exactly the same.

While most of the country is benefiting from a comprehensive double glazing programme, Sandwell Homes remains defiantly resistant to any such benefit for its tenants. And the reason why? Because it is not council policy. Even Adrian Bailey MP is powerless to act.

The best offer of help so far is to send round a man with some silicone sealant.

Sandwell, with its deprived borough status, is more likely to have greater numbers of people in fuel poverty, so I find it difficult to understand the council's stance on this matter. I have asked, but to no avail.

Steve Wilkinson, Robert Road, Tipton.