Express & Star

Danger road could get speed cameras

Speed cameras could be installed on a "dangerous" Staffordshire road after repeated speeding by motorists.


Speed cameras could be installed on a "dangerous" Staffordshire road after repeated speeding by motorists.

Council bosses have revealed that fixed speed cameras are one of the options for Hednesford Road in Heath Hayes.

Other options which could be adopted include traffic calming on the road in a bid to slow cars. But members of the village's Speedwatch team want more action to be taken, including a zebra crossing installed on Wimblebury Road and a reduction in speed limits on Cannock Road.

The Speedwatch scheme has been set up in the village which involves volunteers using speed guns to record vehicles.

In just one hour on Monday the Speedwatch volunteers recorded 904 vehicles using a 30mph stretch of Cannock Road.

Of those vehicles, 90 were caught exceeding the speed limit.

Derek Baseley, from Cannock Road, who is co-ordinator of the Heath Hayes Speedwatch programme said: "I have been campaigning about these roads for nine years and we have had nothing done.

"We keep asking and the council keep saying they have got no money. They are dangerous roads."

Village councillor John Jillings, who is cabinet member for safer communities at the district council, was out with the speedwatch volunteers.

He said: "I saw it myself and vehicles are travelling well in excess of 40mph. We can't wait until an accident happens."

Dave Botfield, from Staff-ordshire Highways, said the county council had taken action, including reducing speed limits on Cannock Road. Investigations were on-going into Wimblebury Road and lowering speed limits to Cannock Road.

He said: "Speed has been identified as an issue on Hednesford Road and as a result of this fixed speed cameras or traffic claiming is being considered. These roads are being looked at but it will take time."

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