Express & Star

Tenants face 6pc rent rise

Council rents in Dudley are set to rise by more than six per cent this year – with some properties also suffering the double blow of increased service charges.


Council rents in Dudley are set to rise by more than six per cent this year – with some properties also suffering the double blow of increased service charges.

Increased heating and lighting bills are also on the cards for elderly and vulnerable tenants in sheltered housing.

The proposals for a 6.1 per cent increase would add an extra £3.91 per week to the average rent bill. But a small percentage of properties, around 1.3 per cent of the borough's stock, will see rent increase by between £5.01 and £6.71 per week.

The majority of tenants – around 45 per cent – are expected to face rises of between £4.01 and £5 per week and more than 32 per cent of tenants will see increases of between £3.51 and £4. The figures have been revealed in a report due before Dudley Council's cabinet tonight and the changes have been recommended for approval.

The rent increases are expected to come into effect on April 6 this year. The report also details plans to increase the charge paid for electricity by residents in sheltered housing schemes.

The average sheltered accommodation tenant will see their bill for heating and lighting leap from £7.11 to £8.89 per week and more rises are planned for the future.

A report on the proposals, signed by council leader David Caunt, states that the increase is necessary to reflect the rising price of energy. In addition to the rent rises, the council also wants to increase service charges by around five per cent. A service charge is paid by residents in certain properties who make use of communal facilities or extra support. The money is put towards services such as overnight support, furniture and communal aerials.

Council leader David Caunt said rent increases were set by a Government formula to prevent differences in public sector rents across the country. He said: "This is no longer in the hands of local Government.

"A number of years ago, the Government decided we would have to move towards equality of rents and they now dictate to us how much we are allowed to put them up by - so we have no option." The meeting will take place in the council house at 6pm tonight.