Express & Star

Denied our say in plans

On October 29, along with a large number of parents, students and governors, I attended Walsall Council's Cabinet meeting, which had been reconvened to discuss the issue of Darlaston Community Science College proceeding towards Academy status.


On October 29, along with a large number of parents, students and governors, I attended Walsall Council's Cabinet meeting, which had been reconvened to discuss the issue of Darlaston Community Science College proceeding towards Academy status.

Regrettably, there was NO discussion. The meeting lasted less than 15 minutes with the member Cllr Zahid Ali moving the recommendation to approve the closure of Darlaston Community Science College from August 31, 2009, and the opening of the school as an Academy from September 1.

Cllr Ali was seconded and supported by the leader, Cllr John O'Hare. No other cabinet member made comment but they put their hands up in support of the recommendation.

The author of the report to cabinet, the assistant managing director of Walsall Children's Services, SERCO, who was a key player in the consultation that took place between September 5 and October 10, was not called upon to substantiate or elaborate on her report.

It should be stressed that the consultation was held on Thursday, September 25, commencing at 1.35pm through to 8.30pm. During this period, time was allocated for separate meetings with the Student Council, staff, governors and parents, and the wider community.

A further very short meeting was organised following complaints that the date was during Ramadan.

Those of us at the cabinet meeting were extremely disappointed that the leader would not allow any of us to speak to express our views, or to correct inaccurate comments made by Cllrs Ali and O'Hare. Students present felt their views were not reflected accurately but also had no say.

Walsall is to receive millions of pounds from the Government for "Building Schools for the Future" - why can't Darlaston be one of the beneficiaries?

Walsall Council prides itself in being a "listening Council" - why, therefore, did Cabinet members choose not to listen?

Rose Burley, Governor, Darlaston Community Science College.