Express & Star

Who should get my vote?

I read with interest R A Sargeant's letter of October 14, "Don't waste your vote", and C Vermont's following letter in praise of it.


Letter: I read with interest R A Sargeant's letter of October 14, "Don't waste your vote", and C Vermont's following letter in praise of it.

The problem is, I'm still mystified as to what they want me to do with my vote. I hear the message - "use it", they cry. But on whom?

R A Sargeant's opening paragraph predicts a turnout of less than 40 per cent at the next General Election. On that I fully agree with him.

His second paragraph highlights the "brainwashed" who will "always vote for the three main waste of space parties". I agree with him on that, too.

My question therefore remains, with whom do I place my valuable vote? The Raving Loonies or worse?

At the moment, I'm in that 60 per cent you quote who won't vote at all.

This is not through any kind of apathy or thinking my vote won't make a difference, it's because of me. There simply is no party I can confidently rely on to guarantee the standard of living I need or desire.

The day that "none of the above" box appears on my voting slip, is the day I'll gladly return too my polling station.

That, sadly, I feel is the only way to show real voting power and bring about the change folk desperately want and deserve.

Steven Dorf, Ash Crescent, Kingswinford.