School gate parking may be banned
Parents could be stopped from dropping off and picking up their children outside three schools in Walsall under plans to ban cars parking by the gates.
Parents could be stopped from dropping off and picking up their children outside three schools in Walsall under plans to ban cars parking by the gates.
The measures along Primley Avenue would stop cars stopping outside Alumwell Infants, Junior and College after fears congestion could lead to a fatal accident.
Walsall Council wants to take parking enforcement action as part of the Red Route scheme. Passengers on the 331 bus have complained journeys are often delayed because of obstructions caused by cars.
A single yellow line prohibiting cars from parking along Primley Avenue between 8-9.30am and 2.30-4pm is being proposed. But grass verges along the left hand side of Primley Avenue from Reservoir Street could be removed to create extra parking. Ward councillor Dennis Anson has thrown his support behind the plans. He said: "It is dangerous and sooner or later I fear someone will get knocked down."
Councillor Anthony Harris, cabinet member for transport, said: "The new parking restrictions along Primley Avenue will be implemented to tackle the problem of illegal parking and relieving the congestion outside the school entrances."