Express & Star

Now woeful MPs turning on Brown

Here we are again, the "day of the long knives", when MPs want to blame their leader for all their problems.


Here we are again, the "day of the long knives", when MPs want to blame their leader for all their problems.

While I fervently believe our Gordon is responsible for most of the woes and the country's financial position, the Government generally has to accept a lot of the blame. How on earth were so many of us hoodwinked into electing and keeping this Government in power for so long amazes me.

They have introduced so much legislation and new laws based on self-righteous, petty-minded and mean ideas. Most of us are appalled at their arrogance. How they can blame anyone but their collective selves for their unpopularity is beyond belief. They introduced devolved power to Scotland and Wales and wasted our money in the process, and what do we now have? Most of the higher positions in the English government are taken by Scottish MPs.

It all started with smooth-talking, smiling Tony, when most of us believed he had changed the Labour Party. But time has shown the Labour Party can't change and they have eventually reverted to type. The only thing that has changed that is they don't advocate taking it from the rich to give to the poor. They have voted themselves to be part of the rich, so they take it from us and squander it on every mad scheme they can.

They have encouraged every type of low life in the world to come and live here, they find them accommodation and then pay them for the privilege. They have introduced so many laws and policies, a lot based on knee-jerk reactions, for them and others to control every aspect of our daily lives: you can't sneeze without someone trying to report or fine you.

They have lied about and manipulated general opinion to do their own thing. "We know what is good for you" seems to be one of their policies, the EU Constitution being a prime example.

They introduced the gun ownership laws but there are more gun crimes than ever. They had knife amnesties and there is more knife crime. They have introduced so many taxes and tax hikes, wasted it and still the country is in debt. Pension funds have been robbed and pension funds and people's pension expectations have collapsed.

Heaven help us if they are in power much longer, and not just our Gordon.

C J Richards, Penk Drive North, Rugeley.