Express & Star

Two words that get MPs shaking

Is there anyone out there who still believes Mr Gordon Brown's leadership qualities are fantastic, apart from himself and a scattering of Labour MPs?


Is there anyone out there who still believes Mr Gordon Brown's leadership qualities are fantastic, apart from himself and a scattering of Labour MPs?

The Labour Party has lost yet another by-election and I wonder how many more seats they may lose if they do not start listening to the public?

Since Gordon took office, the party has suffered a considerable loss of faith and support, both in political terms and that of the public. Just take, for example, Labour's political funding. It's a threadbare black hole of a purse these days. Even the unions have ceased to contribute – and this is Labour we are talking about!

I wonder how many MPs are getting a little – if not highly – concerned about the political winds of change.

Mr Brown admits it was worrying to lose yet another by-election, but he truly believes he is the best man to see us out of this consumer credit crunch, world-wide recession, call it what you will.

He might believe that, but the vast majority of British people do not, for if they did, he would romp home with votes, and that is not the case.

Yet he continues to bully and blunder on with his policies. He keeps on making U-turns under political pressure. What a great strong leader we have – awe inspiring, isn't he.

I wonder how many labour MPs shake in their boots at the words "General Election". It's time for a change, either a vote of confidence in Mr Brown's leadership qualities or a General Election. Let the chips fall where they will.

One thing is for sure though, Mr Brown is skating on thin ice. I just wonder how much longer Labour have left under his leadership – a couple of months at most.

Melanie Hill, Pochard Close, Kidderminster.